As an integrative physician and mom of two children under the age of 8, I spend lots of time contemplating and experiencing the juggling act that exists when one tries to create a balanced life. It’s a tough gig in this stressful world! Here are some of the mom hacks that I use to keep my family […]
10 surprising facts about vitamin d
Vitamin D is incredibly important but often overlooked. It’s important to have your levels checked on a routine basis and to make sure that you are not Vitamin D deficient. Here are some reasons why: 1. Vitamin D plays a big role in expressing your genes! Vitamin D modulates about 3 percent of gene transcription in the […]
everything you need to know to make great green smoothies
Now that the weather is warming up, it’s a great time to lighten up, shed those winter clothes, and start drinking green smoothies again! A recent study out of the UK found that people who consume more than 7 servings of fruits and veggies a day have a lower risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease than those […]
4 Things You Deserve When It Comes To Your Healthcare
As an integrative physician, I’ve had the privilege of entering a very special relationship with my patients. They courageously walk into my office, hopeful that together we’ll be able to figure out what’s going on in their body, but skeptical because they’ve been burned before—by other doctors who think that their symptoms are “all in […]
15 ways to improve your health in 15 minutes
It’s estimated that Americans use social media for more than an hour a day. That’s quite a chunk of time! If you invested 15 of those minutes to health-promoting activities, you could transform your life. Here are some ideas: 1. Make a green smoothie. Throw some spinach, kale, coconut milk, banana, and pineapple into your blender, […]
get your sweat on
Exercise, exercise, exercise! Everyone tells you to do it- your mom, your friends, and even your doctor, but does anyone tell you how to do it? Well, science is showing that the best way to exercise is not the way many of us have been taught – moderate and steady exercise programs do not provide […]