I remember when I first became a mother. The explosion of love I felt in my heart as I held my precious baby girl in my arms, the joy and turmoil of learning to breastfeed, figuring out how to do everything with one hand, worrying over every little thing… …and being forced to wake up, […]
Cucumber Detox Smoothie
I don’t know about you – but even as a Functional Medicine MD, I still have hard time getting my kids to gobble down loads of veggies every day. Sometimes its related to the texture and taste of the vegetable at hand, and sometimes it’s just my kids’ way of standing their ground! Of course, […]
6 ways to detox without dieting
Spring is in the air! And this time of year, I always get a slew of questions about one particular health topic: detoxification diets, cleanses, and fasting. If you’ve been following my blog for a while, you know I don’t sing the praises of any particular detox diet or cleanse. It’s not that I don’t […]
5 Unexpected Health Benefits of Sunshine
My family and I have just returned from a restorative trip to our favorite beach spot. As most parents know, traveling with young children is typically not much of a “vacation”, but I find beach trips to be the exception. Even if the days are filled with random routines, less-than-optimal nutrition, and sleepless nights, just a […]
Dr. Alex’s Top 5 Reasons (out of 6000+) to LOVE Turmeric
One of the big reasons I chose to practice integrative medicine, as opposed to a strictly allopathic approach, is my absolute love, fascination, and reverence for medicinal plants. The rich history of medicinal herbs in America, from Echinacea to Goldenseal, could likely fill 100 libraries, but today we’re going to focus on an ancient root […]
Goji Chocolate Nut Bar
If you’re anything like me, sometimes you just need a little bit of chocolate. Finding healthy chocolate treats at the grocery store can be tough – so here’s a great recipe that will nourish your body and soul. This flavorful dark chocolate nut bar is full of good-for-you brain compounds found in dark chocolate and nuts and […]