Spring is just around the corner, and with it comes a natural time of cleansing, renewal, and new possibilities. In the natural health world this is THE time of year for detox cleanse mania through fasting, juicing, elimination diets, etc. But I would suggest to you today, the most important thing you can do to […]
Leaky Gut Syndrome Part 3: How to Repair your Gut
Welcome back to Leaky Gut Syndrome Part 3. You’re now in the home-stretch to becoming a leaky gut expert and your own best health advocate. If you’re just joining this series, we’ve already covered what the heck leaky gut is, its number one cause (imbalanced stress), and today you will learn how to repair your […]
Leaky Gut Syndrome Part 2: The Physiology Behind Gut Psychology
If you read last week’s post (in case you didn’t, catch up here), you’re now savvy about what the heck leaky gut is, its causal factors, who is at greatest risk, and its far-reaching impacts on your health. This week we’re going to dig a little deeper and zero in on one of the main […]
Leaky Gut Syndrome, Part I: What The Heck Is It and Are You At Risk?
Leaky gut…it’s a popular buzz word right now that almost sounds like a made up ailment from a bad comedy sketch. But all jokes aside, leaky gut syndrome is real, serious, and prevalent (if not epidemic) condition that affects millions of Americans. Leaky Gut Syndrome and its effects have been linked to: Type 1 Diabetes […]
Walnut-Rosemary Pesto Lamb Chops With Sweet Potato Mash
Walnuts, a brain nutritive nut, are high in plant based omega 3’s and anti-inflammatory compounds that reside in the skins. Antioxidants and omega 3s are crucial to your health, as they are believed to help control how fast you age by combating free radicals, which are at the heart of age-related deterioration. This is a […]
how biofeedback changed my life
A little over 10 years ago I found myself in the middle a health crisis. I was in my 3rd year of medical school and I should have been at the top of my game. It was in many ways a very happy and exciting time in my life – I had just met my […]